Welcome to my blog!

This blog is a journal of our struggles with food allergies and eosinophilic gastrointestinal diseases (EGIDs). ("DD" stands for "dear daughter", so whenever you see it in the blog it is referring to my daughter and our personal experience.) My hope is for this blog to be a source of information and support to others who might be trying to investigate, diagnose, treat, or live with, food allergies and EGIDs. Feel free to leave comments with suggestions or requests of what you would like to see on this blog. This is a work in progress. :)

Technical difficulties

I just realized that this blog doesn't show the timestamp on each post like my other (personal) blog does.

Any blogging gurus out there that might have an idea why this is missing? I've skimmed through the HTML in the layout section, but didn't notice any references to the date in the code.

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