Fantastic book- thanks Lisa for the recommendation. Not specifically allergy related, but nutrition related. As all of us with limited diets know that it's hard to find a good balance of nutrition sometimes. This book is a good reminder of how important each vitamin and mineral is for promoting our body's natural healing (including healing food intolerances.)
She really talks a lot about the Standard American Diet (SAD) and what it is doing to our brains, as many people eating this diet (of processed and packaged foods) are sadly malnourished.
Here are some quotes from the book that I found interesting:
"Soy formulas, the alternatives to dairy-based formulas, are specially designed for infants who are allergic to dairy products or for parents wishing to avoid giving their children any animal-based products...... Infants on soy formula may receive the equivalent amount of estrogen that is found in five to ten birth control pills each day.... How a plant-based estrogen expressed itself in an immature infant is unclear.... Many women know that imbalances in estrogen cause the quintessential menopause symptoms of depression, hostility, and aggressiveness. What does the excess estrogen do to little boys?"
"A study conducted in the New York City area showed that about one-third of children may be deficient in iron, associated with mental and psychomotor impairment during the first two years of life. Once possible cause? Cow's milk. Studies have shown that instestinal blood loss is increased by thirty percent in infants fed whole cow's milk. The study went on to say that "iron deficiency early in childhood may lead to long term changes in behavior that may not be reversed with iron supplementation, even though the anemia is corrected.""
I find this quote fascinating. It sounds to me as though babies drinking cow's milk in this study had intestinal irritation (resulting in blood loss), even with no diagnosed cow's milk allergy!! It really supports the statement that, "Human milk is for human babies. Cow's milk is for baby cows." The author actually uses this quote in the book:
"The advertisements, especially the ones with our favorite TV and movie stars sporting the familiar white mustache, say, "Yes, milk does a body good." My response is, "If you are a calf, yes.. If you're a person, no." Especially if the milk is pasteurized and homogenized."This is going to be a long quote, but it really hits home the point that cow's milk is for cows. (bolding mine)
"There is considerable evidence that over eighty percent of the world's population is intolerant to dairy products. In the 1930s, Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D., did a series of experiments on cats. After studying nine hundred cats over a ten-year period, he found that the only diet tat supported the health of his cats was raw milk and raw meat.
He found that by substituting heat-processed milk for raw milk, even when it was the milk from their mothers, physical and mental degeneration occurred, increasing with each subsequent generation. Kittens of the third generation of pasteurized milk failed to survive six months, and after four generations, cats were unable to reproduce at all.
Parasites and vermin abounded in the processed milk-fed cats. They developed skin diseases and allergies, from five percent in cats fed the raw milk diet to over ninety percent in the third generation of artificially fed cats. Their bones became soft and pliable.
Pottenger also notcied startling changes in the personalities of the cats. He noted that they suffered from "adverse personality changes... Females bacame more aggressive while males became docile." The type of physical and mental deterioration that Pottenger observed in cats on deficient diets paralleled the human degeneration that Dr. Price found in tribes and villages that had abandoned traditional foods.
He found that it took four generations on raw milk and raw meat to bring the cats back to normal - but only if he used cats from the first and second generation. After the thrid generation, the cats were infertile or unable to give birth to living offspring."
WOW. These studies were done in the 1930, and yet today we continue to alter our food sources to make them "better" and more economical. What are we doing to our bodies by consuming these altered foods? (Processed, pasteurized, irradiated, GMO, etc.) No one really knows. I beg you to look at your family's diet and really think about what you are putting into your bodies. Why suddenly are food allergies on the rise? I suspect that a large part of it is that we are consuming massive amounts of non-food- i.e., food that has been altered to the point that it no longer has any nutritive value and/or it is actually changing the genes in your body (GMOs).
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